

Kat O'Connor Oil Painting Adjust

Acrylic on Paper
30 " X 22 5/8"
©Kat O'Connor, 2023
Image #531

Kat's acrylic painting Returns was one of 10 paintings chosen to be exhibited at Fitchburg Art Museum from the exhibit Feast at ArtsWorcester. You can view the full exhibition at ArtsWorcester through April 21st. Also included are the ten artworks on loan from FAM that inspired artists' entries.
"Why the fascination with painting (or photographing) dead things? I'm not exactly sure, but historically speaking, artists paint form and beauty. Think of the Marco d'Agrate sculpture of St. Bartholomew. For me that has always been about studying the structure and anatomy of human form. Returns feels almost religious to me. I was inspired by the Blue Fish so common on the shores of Cape Cod. Fishermen discard the heads and take the bodies to eat, much the way the chickens of Jules Aarons' West End Market hang headless and ready for the dinner table." Kat O'Connor.