

Kat O'Connor Oil Painting Adjust

Persephone's Bath
©Kat O'Connor, 2019
Oil on Paper
30" X 22
Image #416

Persephone's Bath won First Place in Copley Society of Arts juried exhibition 'Full Spectrum,' by juror Gordon Wilkins, Curator of American Art at the Addison Gallery of Art, Andover, Massachusetts.

A full color image of Persephone's Bath was included in ArtScope Magazine, March/April 2020. From Brian Goslow's article Our Ever Changing Moods: "Wilkins said that he was drawn to the richness of O'Connor's palette "as well as to the evocative narrative that one can perceive by looking at this work. I found that O'Connor very creatively addressed the theme, transforming it into a surreal yet pointed composition."